What Types of Law Does Divorce Matters Practice?

Just from our name, it’s easy to tell that we excel in divorce law, but what other kinds of cases can Divorce Matters handle? We are a law firm specializing in family law. Family law covers a wide variety of different cases including:


Estate Planning

Divisions of Marital Property

An important part of the divorce process in Colorado is figuring out how to divide marital property. The procedure generally involves two steps. First, it must be determined what marital property is. Second, the marital property must be divided equitably

Spousal Maintenance

In Colorado, neither spouse has an automatic right to maintenance. The court may award maintenance only if it finds that the spouse seeking maintenance lacks sufficient property to meet their reasonable needs and, in addition, is either unable to support themselves through appropriate employment or should not be required to seek employment because of child care responsibilities. Divorce Matters has lots of experience in Spousal Maintenance negotiations and our attorneys are the perfect choice to help you!

Child Custody

When children are involved, the divorce process doesn’t end once the final paperwork is filed. With children come often contentious and painful negotiations about and modification of parental rights, parenting time, and custody. Our team has deep experience dealing with child custody and parental rights issues and we believe it is our duty and an imperative to help couples address custody and rights issues in ways that reduce the impact of divorce and protect children in the process.

Child Support

In Colorado, child support is based on strict guidelines dictated by state laws and statutes. The issue of child support is separate and distinct from the issue of parenting time, and child support payments may not be conditioned upon parenting time. Due to these strict laws, it is important to have guidance from an expert attorney throughout the process.

Post Decree Modifications

Have your circumstances changed since your divorce? Have you lost your job? Has your ex-spouse received a salary increase? Did your ex-spouse fail to disclose financial matters during the dissolution of marriage? Once your divorce is finalized, fortunately, not everything in your original separation agreement or parenting plan is set in stone. Courts recognize that circumstances change, and, sometimes, spouses hide income or assets during the divorce process. Depending on the exact circumstances of your case, you may have a variety of options post-decree. In the following sections, we explore your options in modifying maintenance, child support, parenting time, custody, and decision-making, as well as how you can reopen your property division.

Mediation and Arbitration

Mediation and arbitration are perfect options for anyone going through a divorce. Both options allow the partners to take more control in the divorce, as well as keep the process out of court. Not only does Divorce Matters represent clients through mediation and arbitration, but we also have a mediator on staff!

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence happens to people in all classes, statuses, and ranks in life, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, education, profession, or socioeconomic status. The unfortunate reality is that one in four women in the U.S. will experience domestic violence in their lifetime, resulting in an estimated 1.3 million women becoming victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year.

Contempt of Court

After having gone through a divorce or once you have some orders from the court, you may at some point find yourself on either end of a contempt of court action if one of the parties is not complying with the orders. If you find yourself on either end of a contempt action, Divorce Matters is here to help!

Unbundled Legal Services

Unbundled legal services are the perfect solution for anyone not ready to jump into full-scale representation. With unbundled services, you can hire an attorney at their hourly rate to help you with specific aspects of your legal troubles, like filing paperwork or gathering documents!

Common-Law Marriage

The state of Colorado allows couples to enter into common law marriage. However, the parameters of common law marriage can be hazy and difficult to understand, just like common law divorce


If your case falls under family law, we can help with your appeal!

Prenuptial Agreements

While there are a million things to plan when a couple decides to marry, often the most difficult to discuss with your future partner is the possible need for a prenuptial agreement. While this subject is not the most romantic or exciting part of wedding planning, a couple contemplating marriage in Colorado may need to consider entering into a prenuptial agreement, or a contract before marriage.

Military Divorce

To thank our Military service members, we even offer 10% off of legal fees! This discount is offered to all active and retired service members, veterans, and military spouses.

Thomas Legal Firm

While Divorce Matters only deals in family law, we do have a sister law firm that offers other services. Thomas Law Firm deals with Criminal matters as well as Civil Law matters, including general litigation, civil rights, workers’ compensation, and business defense litigation.

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

Prenuptial agreements are often somewhat controversial because it can seem like a couple is preparing for a divorce before their marriage even begins. While a prenuptial agreement does not make divorce more likely, it does allow couples to decide their financial destiny if they were to get divorced. So what is a prenuptial agreement and what does it include?

What is a prenuptial agreement?

A prenuptial agreement, also called a prenup or a marital agreement, is a contract between two people who plan on getting married. This contract decides how they will handle finances, property division, alimony, etc. if they do get a divorce eventually.

Who should get a prenuptial agreement?

People often think that prenuptial agreements are for the extremely wealthy, however, there can be benefits to having a prenuptial agreement for just about any couple. If you have assets from before the marriage that you would like to protect, a prenuptial agreement is a perfect way to do so. Premarital assets can include anything you owned before the marriage, inheritances to your children from previous relationships, or business interests. Prenuptials can also be extremely helpful in the case of divorce because you have already decided ahead of time on the division of assets and even alimony!

What does a prenuptial agreement cover?

A prenuptial agreement can cover a variety of issues including:

  • Division of premarital assets
  • What marital property is and how to divide it
  • Division of employee benefits or retirement plans in the case of a divorce
  • How any debt, including mortgage debt, will be divided in the case of a divorce
  • What will happen to a life insurance policy in the case of a divorce
  • How property will be divided and managed
  • The amount of alimony paid and to whom

While a prenuptial agreement can cover all of the above topics, it CANNOT determine child custody. A judge will decide this if a divorce happens, based on the best interest of the child at that moment in time. The same goes for child support.

Is my prenuptial agreement amendable?

Yes! It is possible to change a prenuptial agreement, however, the amendment will need to be put in writing and signed by both parties. A prenuptial agreement can also be revoked in this manner.

It is also important to note that, during divorce proceedings, the judge has the ability to rule the prenuptial agreement “unconscionable”. This will only happen in extreme circumstances, like if one spouse would be left unable to support themselves if the prenuptial agreement was carried out as intended. This is very uncommon, even when the agreement is somewhat one-sided.

All in all, a prenuptial agreement is perfect for protecting any assets you may have had before your marriage or any assets your children may have! It is a great idea to protect yourself and your children, even if you can’t imagine yourself getting divorced!

To discuss getting a prenuptial agreement with an attorney, you can contact us here or give us a call at (720) 386-9176 

Common Mistakes in DIY Divorces: Part I

Most states permit DIY divorces, termed pro se proceedings. The internet is filled with DIY divorce kits, companies selling forms and drafting assistance, and handbooks for those who want to execute their divorce without hiring a lawyer.

But is it wise? To answer in typical lawyer fashion: It depends. If you have no kids, few financial or physical assets, and the separation is mutually agreed to, a pro se case may be just fine to consider.

But when you have children involved, financial assets or debts (i.e., 401Ks, IRAs, property, trusts, joint credit card debt), or there are relationship challenges””such as substance abuse or mental health problems””divorcing DIY-style might increase your risks and costs over the long term.

Here are a few common mistakes:

Procedural Mistakes

With all the paperwork and deadlines, it isn’t uncommon for people to make small mistakes in a pro se divorce proceeding that have big repercussions”¦such as forever giving up a right for maintenance or alimony, or””in worst-case scenarios””facing significant challenges to parental rights and custody.

Divorce proceedings””whether you opt to hire legal counsel or do it yourself””require that each step of the process be completed using specific paperwork, in a specific order, filed on precise dates, and with appropriate attention to detail. The paperwork you file for your divorce is not automatically checked for accuracy and fairness. Therefore, it is critical that you fill it out with no mistakes and in a manner that protects your rights. One mistake could cause you to give up invaluable financial rights and could severely limit your right to see your children and be involved in making decisions for them.

Each jurisdiction in Colorado has different procedures that must be followed. The very first step you should take when contemplating a DIY divorce is to know exactly which paperwork your jurisdiction requires. Once you know which forms are needed, read the instructions. All of them. Legal paperwork is confusing, so make sure you understand what information goes in which form, what all the requests mean, when the forms need to be turned in, and to whom.

While there are lots of companies on the internet and in town who will sell you forms and provide assistance filling out those forms for a fee, all the forms that you will need are available free through the state’s judicial website: www.courts.state.co.us. Also, many Colorado jurisdictions offer self-help centers, divorce clinics, or other resources for pro se litigants. Before you spend money on forms or pay someone to help you fill out those forms, contact your county’s court clerk to find out about pro se resources available to you.

Missed Deadlines or Timeline Confusion

Because there are so many different steps to filing forms, attending meetings or hearings, serving your spouse, and representing yourself at your hearing, it can be very confusing knowing exactly what needs to be done and the deadline for doing it. Knowing and understanding all the specific deadlines and requirements is a meticulous process. Add on top of that the stress and emotions involved in the divorce itself, and sometimes things don’t get done as they should. Knowing that you have to turn in this form 40 days after the first form and then call someone about attending a meeting before turning in yet another set of forms”¦it really is a painstaking process.

And while you’re waiting the mandatory time between each step and making sure each “i” is dotted and each “t” crossed, your normal day-to-day life goes on. You still have to show up to work on time each day. Grocery shopping and laundry wait for no one.

But one missed deadline could waive important rights, cause your case to be dismissed, or worse, maybe even invalidate your entire divorce. Even though your life must go on, turning your paperwork in on the right date, serving the papers to your spouse during the right timeframe, and completing each step of the process on time and complete is vital to successfully completing the divorce. Failure can have significant consequences to you, your children and your short- and long-term finances.

Not Knowing What You’re Signing

Unless you have a law degree, understanding legalese can be frustrating. A lot of the terms do not make sense. Because a DIY divorce involves such a large quantity of paperwork, reading each form thoroughly and having a clear understanding of it is essential. Adding your signature to a form that is unclear or that you don’t entirely understand can have severe consequences, particularly if you are dealing with papers addressing co-parenting, parenting time, spousal and child support, custody agreements, and division of assets.


If you are going to DIY, do your homework to decide if it’s the right choice for you. And if you have children or financial assets to protect, talk to a lawyer first””at the very least, they can help you explore all options.

Understand that while all of your district’s forms are available online, the court cannot provide legal advice. If you decide to seek legal advice, there are several options available to you. Many divorce law firms provide ala carte services, pre-divorce case evaluations, or have service agreements that enable them to provide ongoing counsel and guidance to separating couples, if you prefer not to hire an attorney to represent you in court. Some businesses also offer limited legal support as an added benefit to their employees.

Do yourself a big favor ”“ talk to an experienced divorce lawyer first. This is a must-do step.

In the next post of this Divorce Matters blog series, we will address the next three most common mistakes made during a DIY divorce:

  • Separation agreement challenges and issues that arise as a result
  • Confusion about all the motions, particularly as they pertain to custody or property challenges
  • Inadequate parenting plans or failure to consider future challenges