Calhan Divorce Lawyer
Divorce can be incredibly hard, no matter what the circumstances are. It’s a very emotional process from start to finish and you will need a good Calhan divorce lawyer who can guide you and keep your family’s best interest in mind.
Divorce in Colorado can be quite challenging, but an experienced Calhan divorce lawyer can help you understand the state’s laws and their impact on yourself and your family.
Here’s what our attorneys can do for you.
- Divorce – Colorado is a no-fault state, which means that there doesn’t need to be a reason, such as adultery or drug abuse, for the divorce to be granted by the court. If there is an “irretrievable breakdown” of the marriage, meaning that the couple can’t get along anymore and there is no chance for reconciliation, then that’s enough grounds for granting the divorce. There is, however, a residency requirement and either spouse must live in Colorado for at least 90 days before being able to file for divorce in Colorado.
- Alimony/Maintenance – Alimony, also known as “spousal maintenance,” can be negotiated during mediation. Our Calhan family attorney can help with every aspect of your divorce, including spousal maintenance. If you want to see what might be awarded in your case, use our free maintenance calculator.
- Child Custody – Child custody is a delicate subject for most parents. The state of Colorado will base its decision regarding child custody on what it thinks is in the best interest of the child. If you are concerned about your parental rights, a Calhan family lawyer can fight to ensure that they remain protected.
- Child Support – Child support is determined based on a statutory calculation. If you want to calculate child support based on your particular circumstance, use our free child support calculator.
- Division of Assets – The process of property division can be complex and challenging even for the most amicable divorce. Our Calhan divorce lawyers can help you negotiate and divide your assets fairly to avoid going to court.
- Domestic Violence – Have you been a victim of domestic violence? Our compassionate Calhan divorce attorneys have experience with domestic violence divorce cases and understand the emotional and complex nature of these charges.
- Mediation – Are you looking for a peaceful, no-drama divorce? While we can help you fight for your rights when needed, we also believe that cooperation can go a long way. Our lawyers can help you negotiate with your spouse and find a middle ground.
- Prenup – If you are about to enter into a prenuptial agreement, it’s essential that you understand the terms of the contract and your rights. Our attorneys will assist you in drafting and reviewing the prenup and ensuring that you are fully aware of its terms.
The Divorce Matters® Difference
Divorce Matters® is a Colorado-proud family law firm that has helped countless people divorce with dignity and start building a better future. Every Calhan divorce lawyer on our team is a tenacious legal advocate who will aggressively pursue the results you deserve. We invite you to read some of our many positive client testimonials to develop a sense of how Divorce Matters® could be of help to you.
Call Divorce Matters® today at (720) 542-6142 to schedule an appointment with an attorney.
Service Areas
- Adams
- Arapahoe
- Boulder
- Denver
- Douglas
- El Paso
- Elbert
- Freemont
- Jefferson
- Larimer
- Morgan
- Summit
- Weld
Service Areas
- Adams
- Arapahoe
- Boulder
- Denver
- Douglas
- El Paso
- Elbert
- Freemont
- Jefferson
- Larimer
- Morgan
- Summit
- Weld