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Understand Colorado Child Support Before Your Case

Divorce Matters® has the experience and resources needed to handle any and all of your family and divorce law issues – learn more by booking a consultation today.

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Proper representation is critical for any parent when going through a child custody case. While parents are allowed to create their own child support agreements, any agreement that deviates too far from the Colorado child support laws & guidelines will likely not receive court approval. This is just one reason why having an attorney with expertise in Colorado child support laws and cases is critical for your case.

The child support attorneys at Divorce Matters® are highly skilled in helping their clients navigate the more difficult aspects of child support proceedings.

How Child Support is Calculated

There are a variety of factors that are likely to affect the amount of child support a divorcing parent can expect to receive – or pay. In Colorado, child support is based on a strict and somewhat complicated statute that is designed to ensure every child of divorcing or separating parents receives full financial support from both of them. According to the Colorado Child Support Guidelines, the first step in calculating child support is to establish the gross monthly income of both parents. Gross income is the amount that someone brings home before any taxes and deductions. If one parent is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed, the judge may “assign” income to him or her. This often happens if it is clear to the court that the parent could be earning more than they actually are based on their experience and qualifications.

The second step of calculating child support in Colorado is establishing the number of overnights per year that each parent has with the child (or children). Generally speaking, the parent with fewer overnights can expect to have to pay child support to the other. A common exception to this general rule is if the parent with primary custody is a significantly higher income earner.

The third thing that a judge will consider in a child support case falls under the category of extraordinary and ongoing expenses. These expenses include things like medical insurance, daycare costs, extracurricular activities, travel, and the like. Per the Colorado Child Support Guidelines, the parent who pays these extra expenses is credited for them in the child support calculation formula.

Searching for the Best Divorce Lawyer in Colorado?

Divorce Matters® has the experience and resources needed to handle any and all of your family and divorce law issues – learn more by booking a consultation today.

Why Choose Divorce Matters®?

The attorneys at Divorce Matters® are experienced legal professionals who are well-versed in all aspects of Colorado child support laws, including child support calculation, along with a myriad of other divorce and child support-related issues. Divorce Matters® is a Colorado-proud family law firm that has helped thousands of people just like you get a fresh start.

Every child support lawyer at Divorce Matters® is well-versed in Colorado child support laws and genuinely understands how difficult going through a divorce can be. We are aggressive and compassionate legal advocates who are devoted to achieving the best possible outcome for each client.

If you are curious to know what your monthly child support payments might be, we encourage you to download our very own Child Support Calculator App. Simply input your personal financial information along with the financial information of your co-parent and the app will provide a close approximation of what your child support payment will look like.

Contact Divorce Matters

To speak with a Colorado family law attorney about child support or any other family law topic, contact Divorce Matters® today by filling out our online form or calling us at 720-542-6142.

How much child support will I be ordered to pay or receive?

Child support obligations are based primarily on each parent’s current gross income, the amount of work-related day care expenses which are incurred on behalf of the minor children (if any), and the cost for providing health insurance coverage for the children. The court must use a child support worksheet, which calculates the presumed correct amount of child support under Colorado law. The court can order a higher or lower amount than the presumed correct amount under certain circumstances such as when the parties have shared parenting, a child has special needs, or other unusual circumstances.

My children’s mother/father has not paid child support in a while; can I withhold parenting time in Colorado?

The simple answer is, NO. As far as the court is concerned, child support and parenting time are two separate issues. If your children’s mother/father fails to pay child support, she/he can be held in contempt of court, or may even be charged with a felony. If you fail to provide the scheduled parenting time, you too can be held in contempt of court. Again, remember that one of the ”˜best interest of the child factors’ is: “The willingness and ability of each of the parties to facilitate and encourage a close and continuing parent-child relationship between the child and the other parent or the child and the parents.” If you fail to encourage parenting time with the other parent, it may be used against you at a later date.

Will I be obligated to pay for my children’s college expenses?

The court cannot order you to pay for college expenses; however, if you and your spouse agree to have a provision included in the judgment of divorce that requires payment for college, then the court can enforce that promise just like any other contract.

Can I garnish my ex’s wages to obtain past-due child support?

In Colorado, you can enter an income assignment or garnishment, with your ex’s employer. Then, the Family Support Registry will monitor and transfer the payments directly to you.

My ex is trying to reduce the amount of child support he/she pays because he/she quit their job. Will the Court reduce the amount of child support he/she was ordered to pay?
If the Court finds your ex is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed, the Judge may impute, or assign an income to him/her for purposes of determining the amount of child support to be paid. Divorce Matters® is a Denver Colorado divorce attorney law firm. We provide information and services including the divorce process through the courts, division of marital property, assets as well as debts and parental rights regarding biological and adopted children.

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Bringing a Human Approach to Legal Services

Douglas A. Thomas

Founding Partner

As founder of Divorce Matters®, my team of attorneys works with families in Colorado to help them achieve optimal outcomes in the highly emotional, individual, and sensitive area of family law, particularly divorce, child custody, and child support.

Professional and Community Associations

• Colorado Bar Association
• Arapahoe County Bar Association
• Colorado Defense Lawyers Association
• Defense Research Institute ”“ Member

Public & Speaking Engagements

Mr. Thomas has been a frequent speaker at the Colorado Defense Lawyers Association and numerous Continuing Legal Education seminars.

Bar Admissions

• Colorado
• U.S. District Court, Colorado


• J.D., University of Denver, 1993
• B.A., New Mexico Highlands University, magna cum laude, 1989

Emily F. Ahnell

Partner and Managing Attorney

I began my practice after noticing a need for unbundled legal services. In addition to family law, I also defend employers and insurance carriers before administrative agencies and in civil litigation matters in Court.

I began my family law practice after noticing a need in the community for unbundled legal services. In addition to family law, I also defend employers and insurance carriers before administrative agencies and in civil litigation matters in Federal and State Courts.

Professional and Community Associations

• Colorado Bar Association
• Denver Bar Association
• Colorado Defense Lawyers Association
• Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer

Public & Speaking Engagements

Denver University Law Review, Staff Editor 2001-2002, General Editor 2002-2003

Bar Admissions

• Colorado
• U.S. District Court, Colorado


• J.D., University of Denver, 2003
•B.A., University of Alabama, 1998 (Member of the Women’s Soccer Team)

Justin J. Oliver

Lead Attorney

As an attorney, I care about my clients and alleviating the problems they bring to me and ensure they receive nothing less than top-notch from when we first meet to the conclusion of their legal matter. From representing clients in divorces, custody disputes, protection order hearings, child and spousal support conflicts, parentage issues, and many other issues surrounding and concerning families here in Colorado, myself and the Divorce Matters® team are here for you.

I care about my clients and alleviating the problems they bring to me and ensure they receive nothing less than top-notch from when we first meet to the conclusion of their legal matter.

Professional and Community Associations

• Member, Colorado Bar Association
• Member, Larimer County Bar Association

Bar Admissions

• Colorado


•J.D., Drake University Law School, 2014
• B.A., Sociology, Western State Colorado University, 2011