How Do I Pick the Right Attorney For Me?

One of the first questions you might ask yourself when you are searching for an attorney is “how do I know which attorney I’ll work the best with?” or “who will align with me and get me the best results in my case?” This is a very important question to consider because if you and your attorney don’t align then you might not be satisfied with their service or your end result. We never want that to be the case. Here are a few criteria to consider when deciding what attorney to hire to make sure that you and your attorney will be the best fit together.


Personality –

One of the most important factors to consider when deciding on hiring an attorney is how their personality would work with yours. When you are going through a divorce, you will end up sharing some of the most important and private details of your life with your attorney. Finding someone who complements you and can be a good partner is a key component to a successful attorney-client relationship.

Situation –

Another very important factor to consider when finding the right attorney is your specific situation. Every attorney has their strengths and areas of family law they practice more than others. If your case is very complex, you might look for an attorney who has more experience handling complex cases. On the other hand, if your situation is a very emotional one, it might be best to find a more empathetic attorney that you feel you can talk to and connect with for support. Another example would be if there is a lot of contention between you and your ex; in this case, you might be looking for a more aggressive attorney that will fight for you in times that get tense. Every situation is different, therefore it is key to find an attorney that will represent you in the way you need to be represented to achieve the most successful result in the end.

Cost –

Lastly, one thing to always keep in mind is how much you can afford when hiring an attorney. Of course, this always depends on each individual case and what you need the attorney to help you with. One of the most important factors that can affect the cost of your case is how contentious the separation is. If you and your ex can agree on most things through mediation, this will keep costs down compared to a case that goes to court. Another factor is what services you need legal help with. In some cases, you may only need unbundled legal services, but other cases will require full representation.


Finding an attorney with the right mix of personality, experience, and cost to help you with your divorce case is an important step in the divorce process. At Divorce Matters, we understand the importance of this decision. We match our clients with our attorneys based on all of these considerations, to ensure we deliver the best possible legal representation to every client.

If you’d like to get to know more about our attorneys visit their profiles here.

Is a Collaborative Divorce Right for Me?

A divorce does not always have to result in the courtroom drama. More and more couples are choosing to settle their differences outside of court and come to an agreement on key issues through a process called collaborative divorce.

A collaborative divorce is similar to mediation, with both parties looking to settle outside of court. Both parties are looking to reach a settlement on their own, rather than go through litigation. However, each party is represented by a lawyer, who is available to offer advice and helps the parties reach an agreement. If the process is not working, however, the lawyers must withdraw. The parties must then choose new lawyers and go through a traditional divorce.

A collaborative divorce is a good choice for couples who are willing to cooperate. However, divorce brings out heightened emotions, and if working together with your spouse doesn’t sound possible, a collaborative divorce probably may not work for you.

If you’re considering divorce, you may be wondering if a collaborative divorce is right for you. Read on to learn about the pros and cons.

Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce

A collaborative divorce offers many benefits. It is quick since you and your spouse can control how long it will take and don’t need to wait for a court date.  It is more affordable than a traditional divorce since you will not need to pay court fees. It’s also efficient and more equitable since you and your spouse can decide on asset division and other terms. You can control the outcome and have an amicable divorce, which is a good idea if you have children and want to minimize the impact.

Disadvantages of a Collaborative Divorce

A collaborative divorce is not for everyone. Most couples divorce because they cannot get along, so a collaborative divorce is unlikely to work. There is also the concern that in a collaborative divorce, cases of domestic violence, mental illness and substance abuse will go unnoticed. People in these categories are often unable to make sound decisions, so this could lead to one party receiving a greater share of the assets.  

In a collaborative divorce, both spouses must disclose all assets and debts. Many people hide larger assets so they cannot be split in a divorce, so this can be an issue. Both spouses also must work to communicate in an open and honest manner. However, a lack of honesty is often what leads spouses to divorce in the first place. A collaborative divorce requires you to work with””not against””your spouse, which is easier said than done.

Seek Advice from an Experienced Denver Collaborative Divorce Attorney

A collaborative divorce can be beneficial for many divorcing couples, but it’s not the ideal solution for everyone. The Denver collaborative law attorneys at Divorce Matters can determine if this solution is right for you. Collaborative law has its limits, but if you want to avoid going to court and feel that you and your spouse can agree on key issues, it may work for you. To learn more about the process and more about family law in Colorado, contact us at (720) 408-7469.