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Which Judge Will Preside Over My Divorce in Douglas County?

In Douglas County Colorado, Domestic Relations matters (including divorce) are handled by either a Magistrate or a Judge.  These judicial officers can enter orders affecting the issues in a divorce, such as child support, parenting time and maintenance awards.

The issues a Magistrate can decide in Douglas County in a divorce are limited.  Magistrates in a divorce typically decide temporary orders issues.  Temporary orders usually involve temporary child support, temporary spousal support (maintenance), temporary parenting plans, temporary use and possession of marital property, temporary payment of bills, and temporary attorney’s fees. Magistrates may also approve written agreements of the parties and make those agreements court orders.

Judges in Douglas County, however, can hear and decide all matters in a divorce. Most commonly, judges hear the Permanent Orders issues in a divorce. Permanent Orders issues include permanent orders regarding child support, permanent parenting plans, division of property, division of debts, spousal support (maintenance), and grandparent’s rights.   The Judges also decide modification of prior orders regarding child support, parenting time, and spousal support.  

At this time there is one Magistrate in Douglas County and two Judges assigned to hear Domestic Relation matters.  Information regarding the Magistrate and Judges can be found by clicking on their name below as well as the Judicial Performance link. Magistrates are not reviewed by the Office of Judicial Performance Evaluation. However, Judges are reviewed and you can find information about these Judges, and their reviews, by clicking on their name or the Judicial Performance link.   

Magistrate Rebecca Moss

Judge Michael Spear
Judicial Performance Review of Judge Spear

Judge Angela R. Arkin
Judicial Performance Review of Judge Arkin

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