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What to Avoid Saying on Social Media During Divorce

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, Tinder, Reddit, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Vine, MeetUp ”“ we don’t have to list very many social networking sites to show that social media has become a big part of our culture. It has permeated every facet of technology ”“ even video games like Candy Crush have social media elements, and every news site and business page contains links to social media.

Because these sites have become so integrated into daily life, people going through a divorce may not realize just how bad of an idea it can be to post on social media. Everything you do online leaves a digital footprint ”“ and if someone really wants to find it, they can, and it can lead to complications for your divorce case.

What You Say Online Can Make or Break Your Divorce Case

Here are just a few examples of how seemingly benign social media posts can hurt your divorce case.

  • You are trying to get your spousal support (maintenance) payments lowered, yet you are posting pictures of your brand new SUV or expensive designer shoes on Facebook.
  • You reschedule your parenting time and spend the weekend partying at the beach and post the pictures online, demonstrating bad parenting.
  • You take date night selfies with your new SO before the divorce is final.
  • You list yourself as single and childless on Tinder while seeking child custody.

Contact Our Divorce Team for Social Media Tips

Social media is huge for divorce cases these days, and you should always assume that whatever you are putting online is being saved and printed by the other party in your case. Always take steps to safeguard your social media accounts, such as keeping your privacy settings strict and saving your divorce challenges for a therapist or close friend. Contact our divorce team for more information on how social media can affect your divorce.

Our Denver divorce attorneys use every resource available, including social media, to ensure you receive your equitable share of marital property.