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What Can I Do About My Past-Due Child Support? (Part I of III)

When it comes to child support payments, a court order will not always ensure payments are actually made. If the ordered parent does not make the payments, Colorado has services for collecting the support money owed to the custodial parent. Each state has their own means of collection, in Colorado, Child Support Services (CSS) has the authority to pursue past due payments. In this three-part series we will look at the remedies available through CSS.

Income Related Enforcement

When child support isn’t being paid CSS can impose penalties in ways that affect the parent’s income. There are a few ways CSS can implement this enforcement; wage seizure (garnishment), unemployment benefits seizure, or workers compensation seizure. These options will take money directly from the paycheck of the delinquent parent and be given to the owed parent.

This is possible because employers are required to report all new hires. CSS has access to this report and constantly checks the State Directory of New Hires to search for persons who owe child support payments.

Past due child support payments will accrue interest while they are behind. Depending on the situation, this interest (or part of it) can be waived as an incentive to get payment.

License Suspension

When a parent is paying less than 50% of the set monthly amount or more than 6 months behind, additional actions can be taken on state licensing. CSS can request the Colorado DMV to suspend a driver’s license for non-payment. Professional and occupational licenses can also be suspended for non-payment. Recreational licenses, such as hunting or fishing licenses, can be suspended. To get any of these licenses reinstated, you will need to pay the delinquent amount or make arrangements to pay the past amount.

In the next blog we will look at judicial actions and other income intercepts that can be used in a delinquent child support case.

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