Congratulations to the 2021 Divorce Matters Scholarship Winner, Paola Gascot!

Divorce Matters is proud to announce Paola Gascot-Chinea as the winner of the 2021 Divorce Matters Scholarship. Although we had a lot of qualified applicants this year, Paola stood out among them. Our committee was impressed with Paola’s academic involvement, work ethic and abundance of extracurriculars that positively affect Paola’s community. Paola will be entering her second year at Denver University, majoring in Environmental Science.

Paola’s achievements and involvement in her community stood out above the rest. Some of her high school involvement includes the Student Equity Working Group, the Hispanic Latino Student Alliance, founding the Women’s Forum, playing tennis and running cross country, volunteering as a peer mentor at Our Turn (a non-profit bringing equality to education), and volunteering at the Children’s Hospital of Aurora. In college, Paola has joined a living learning community for environmental sustainability to dig into her interest in the environment. She has also joined the Pi Lambda Chi sorority for Latina students.

When asked what this scholarship meant to her, Paola told Divorce Matters, “This scholarship means everything to me. As I answer these questions, I feel emotional and I feel the urge to cry happy tears! I have worked so hard and I have gone through so much that it feels amazing to know that all of that hard work has paid off. It’s even more of a relief that I can focus on my studies and take it one day at a time. I don’t have to be rushing or finding ways in order to pay for my education, as I do pay for my own studies.”

It is our honor to award Paola with this scholarship. We wish her the very best in her undergraduate education, and in achieving her goal of applying her Environmental Science degree to making a difference in both low-income communities and communities of color. To everyone reading this, Paola would like to say that “anything is possible if you set your mind to it. At the moment it may feel like not much is going to happen but results don’t usually start showing until further down the road and it is more than okay to fail because that is how you learn. That is how you become a better person.”

We want to thank everyone that applied and wish you all the very best in your academic endeavors!

The 2018 Divorce Matters Scholarship Winner

The 2018 Divorce Matters Scholarship Winner

We at Divorce Matters are proud to announce the winner of the 2018 Divorce Matters Scholarship, Miss Alexia Martin. We received many applications, but Miss Martin’s work ethic and personality shone through. We extend to her our congratulations.

Miss Martin will be attending the University of Florida this Fall semester. She proved her academic acumen in High School, with a GPA of 3.51. She served as the STEM Club President, was a member of the National Honor Society, a member of Key Club and was an AP Scholar.

On receiving the award, Miss Martin said, “I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and say that I am honored to be the 2018 Divorce Matters Scholarship recipient. Upon receiving the news that I was selected as the winner of your scholarship, I was relieved and overjoyed that I was awarded this form of generosity to pay for my education.

I will be majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Florida in the fall, and I am determined to follow my undergraduate years with a Masters in Cyber Security. With the financial assistance of this scholarship, my student fees will be covered allowing me to dedicate more time to my studies rather than a work-study job, which is of utmost importance to me. Lastly, I would like to pass on my admiration to the Divorce Matters Team. I find your mission honorable and I hope that one day I will be able to mirror the efforts of Divorce Matters by ensuring children affected by divorce aren’t burdened by disadvantages that may accompany a split household upbringing.

Again, thank you so much for awarding me the 2018 Divorce Matters Scholarship, it will undoubtedly help me pursue all of my endeavors in the sphere of academia and reach graduation in 2022.”

It is our honor and privilege to award Miss Martin with this scholarship, with the hopes that it will help her achieve her academic goals in her undergraduate studies.

We want to thank all of the applicants and we wish you the very best in your academic futures.