How to Deal with Exes and Parenting Issues Post-Divorce

Our Twitter feed has been full of great tips for dealing with ex-spouses this week! Whether emotionally or legally, dealing with your ex after your divorce can be a bumpy””but often necessary””ride. The most common reason an ex stays in your life after the relationship ends is shared custody of the kids. If you have children together, your life will likely never be completely free of a former spouse””even after the kids enter adulthood.

Maintaining a civil relationship with an ex””in most cases, except instances of abuse or violence””can benefit everyone involved, particularly children. It may not always be easy, but here are a few tips for dealing with an ex in ways that everyone can live with:

  • Do not badmouth your ex in front of your kids: Face it””everyone is human. And all of us are tempted at times to express anger, frustration, annoyance, or sadness when the kids are going to visit the ex. For your children’s sake””and for your own mental health””please refrain. Seriously. It will not help you, and it certainly is not good for the children to feel stuck in the middle. In fact, try and go the opposite direction. Be generous. Let your children know your ex””their mother or father””loves them as much as you do, even if””inside your head””you have negative thoughts. Try to remember that the most important people in this relationship are your children. They will watch your actions as well as listen to your words. And it is not just the kids who will benefit. Avoiding arguments, harsh words, and negative emotions will reduce your own stress. Find someone to confide in””a good friend, family member, or therapist””and save your negative thoughts for a better setting and recipient.
  • Adjust to changes and be understanding: Your ex is dealing with his or her life too. There may be times when he or she is late for the children’s drop-off and pick-up. Or maybe there is a work conflict or an after-school activity to navigate around. Try to be flexible and understanding. Life happens, so be open to changes and adjust as best you can. If unplanned changes to parenting schedules and visits seem to be happening often, it might be time to review arrangements. If your ex is late to a few drop-offs, the world will not end; however, if it is a precursor to more serious behaviors or habits, consider whether there will be long-term effects. Again, the most important person here is your child. Will this behavior eventually impact your child negatively? If not, do your best to be flexible, even when it is hard.
  • Find neutral help: If you are finding it beyond difficult to maintain civility””and believe us, it happens””find someone who can act as a go-between or mediator for you. This can be a friend or family member, but it should be someone who both of you like and respect””and importantly, someone who can be neutral. This neutral party could then attend drop-offs and pick-ups or any additional meetings between the two of you regarding your child’s upbringing. Often, involving someone who is not directly affected can defuse a tense situation and keep everyone calm.
  • Keep the lines of communication open: Whether your child is having a hard time adjusting to the divorce, is involved in sports that bring frequent schedule changes, or even is having problems in school””you and your ex will need to be able to communicate. The first step is to find the communication style that works for both of you. It could be that email is easiest because face-to-face dredges up too many emotions. It could be that you need a neutral third party we discussed above. Either is fine. Just pick what works for you and the kids and make sure to keep talking. If you see a potential problem at your home with your child, make sure you let the other parent know. If your child is interested in joining a sport, and the games will require out-of-state travel, talk to each other. Communication in any fashion that reduces stress, prevents misunderstanding and ensures both parents know all they need to know to effectively address a child’s needs is the ultimate goal.


Your marriage may have ended, but you will always have your kids in common””and that means a little extra challenge when you are adjusting to life as ex-partners. Whether it is scheduling joint attendance at events, juggling the challenges of daily scheduling or child-rearing challenges, you and your ex will want to develop new””and perhaps unexpected””coping and communication skills to make sure children grow up with as much involvement and interaction from both parents as possible, despite the divorce.

Why You Should Consider a Prenup

Prenuptial agreements are, quite possibly, the most misunderstood of family law issues. Some think of them as something only for the rich and famous with famously large assets to protect. Others believe a prenuptial agreement highlights trust issues and signals the demise of a relationship before it is even been legally cemented.

In reality, prenuptial agreements are often drafted between the non-famous and not famously rich. In fact, they are typically a sound idea for anyone with even small but independently obtained assets to consider. And with divorce rates approaching 50% in our country, prenuptial agreements may be something you and your spouse-to-be might seriously consider.

Potential inheritance, joint debt, retirement funds, all of these are taken into account when you develop a prenuptial agreement. It is not just a list of this is mine and that is yours but rather a cohesive plan of how you will handle a divorce, should it happen.

Here is a quick list of questions you might ask yourself to see whether or not you might need a prenuptial agreement:

  • Are you an owner or partial owner of a business?
  • Do you have separate assets?
  • Do you have separate debt?
  • Do you have kids, either together or from a previous relationship?
  • Are you in line to receive an inheritance?
  • Do you have assets you would want to protect, such as family heirlooms?
  • Do you anticipate needing to financially support elderly relatives in the future?
  • Does one or the other of you own a house or property?
  • Do you have separate retirement funds?
  • Are you a same-sex couple in a state that does not recognize gay marriage?
  • Are you concerned about your different money-spending or money-saving habits?

Drafting a prenuptial agreement does not mean you are planning for a divorce, as the stigma indicates. Instead, it is a method of protecting yourself just in case the unthinkable happens. With our clients, we liken it to wearing a helmet when you ride your bike. You are not planning to get into an accident, but sometimes life happens, and you want to be protected.

So what are you being protected from?

In Colorado, a divorcing couple’s assets and debts may be considered joint property. The courts will decide an equitable division of both. With a prenuptial agreement, you can decide ahead of time which pre-marriage assets and debts will be considered as individual rather than joint. It may prevent you from having to pay your spouse’s student loans for the next 20 years. Or it may protect your business assets from being divided between the two of you.


Prenuptial agreements are not for everyone. But if you or your partner believe one is in your best interests, based on individually held assets or other factors, speaking with a lawyer about the pros and cons of such a legal document is highly beneficial.

Prenuptial agreements are not an indication that you do not trust someone, and they are not an admission of defeat before the marriage has even begun. Instead, they are an open acknowledgment that life happens, and sometimes things do not go as planned.

Divorce, no matter the circumstances leading up to it, is an emotionally stressful time. A thoughtful, well-crafted prenuptial agreement has the power to protect both of you during what can be a potentially contentious situation.

Divorce Matters Overturns Wrongful Adoption, Reunites Father with Son

Recently, we handled a case that really reminded us of why our work is so important.

In this case, the mother and step-father filed for a step-parent adoption without the biological father’s consent. Along with their petition for step-parent adoption the mother and step-father filed an affidavit alleging the biological father had abandoned his son and failed to pay reasonable child support for more than a year.

A hearing was held to determine whether the father had abandoned his son and failed to pay reasonable child support and whether to grant the step-parent adoption. The father did not attend the hearing. At the hearing, the mother and step-father failed to inform the court that the father had recently filed and won, two months earlier, a hearing to enforce his parenting time and that he was exercising his parenting time with his son at the time of the hearing. They also failed to inform the court the father had repeatedly fought to enforce his parenting time for years. The court relied on the fraudulent affidavit, terminated the father’s parental rights, and granted the step-parent adoption. Thereafter, the father was not allowed to see his son.

Father, without an attorney, filed a motion to set aside the adoption based on fraud. The trial court refused to hold a hearing regarding father’s allegations that the step-parent adoption was obtained through fraud.

Divorce Matters began representing Father to reinstate his parental rights and to vacate the step-parent adoption.

First, Divorce Matters appealed to the Colorado Court of Appeals the Judge’s decision in which he refused to hold a hearing regarding father’s allegations of fraud. Divorce Matters got the Court of Appeals to reverse the Judge’s decision and the Court of Appeals sent the case back to the trial court to determine whether the adoption was obtained through fraud.

Second, Divorce Matters went to hearing and argued the step-parent adoption was obtained through fraud. The trial court agreed. The trial court found the father had not abandoned his son and that the mother and step-father fraudulently misrepresented to the court that the father had abandoned his son. The court vacated the step-parent adoption and reinstated the father’s parenting time effective immediately. After not seeing his son for almost two years, the father gets to see his son again.

This is the type of case””and outcome””we always hope to secure for our clients and remind us why we work so hard on our clients’ behalf every day.

Divorcing in the Golden Years

Improved medical availability and technology has led to an increased life expectancy in the United States. Americans are living longer, healthier lives than they ever have in any time in our history. And with those longer lifetimes come higher aspirations for life in the Golden Years.

Many Baby Boomers want more from life than just the status quo””and it may be leading more couples to divorce court than ever before. Among the over-60 set, the incidence of divorce has increased sharply””by 50% in just the past 10 years.

Because these couples have had decades to build financial and emotional lives together””children, grandchildren, retirement funds, real estate assets, and shared debt””divorce in the golden years can be far more complicated.

The key factors of concern for divorcing couples over age 60 include:

  • Dependent Incomes: Many couples divorcing after 60 face shared expenses that depend primarily on one or the other’s current or past income. It can be particularly challenging to divide up assets equitably or calculate maintenance when one of you was a stay-at-home parent for decades””supporting the asset accumulation of the bread-winning spouse””while one of you earned the bulk of the income. It can also be more expensive to live as a single person, so you may be facing lifestyle changes with divorce.
  • Healthcare: Along with the dependent income, many couples divorcing later in life share healthcare coverage and costs. If you are retired or have never worked outside of the home, this can present unique challenges that the divorce process and division of assets and maintenance fees must address. At the age of 60, it is still a few years before you will be eligible for Medicare on your own. You’ll need to consider your own medical coverage during the divorce process.
  • Retirement Funds and Debt: Getting divorced does not mean that you have no more rights to your (soon to be ex-) spouse’s retirement or vice versa. If you have been married for longer than 10 years, you are entitled to a portion of each other’s social security benefits. This remains true even if one or the other of you remarry. And social security is just one piece of the retirement puzzle. If you and your spouse shared retirement funds throughout your relationship, dividing those funds can be messy, as can dividing up debts that have been shared for decades. If you have significant retirement assets, including pension plans, 401ks, Social Security and more, a financial planner who specializes in divorce and the division of assets is essential.
  • Emotional Stress: Then, there is the emotional element. Divorce is nearly universally difficult and painful, but a golden years divorce may bring out other emotions. These divorces can be traumatic to grown children, adding a twist to the impact of divorce on children. Divorcing couples over 60 often feel ashamed or embarrassed. Unlike 30- and 40-somethings who are divorcing, you may find yourself without a peer group. Worse, lifelong friendships can be at risk, as couples who have grown with you through the years struggle to deal with the “division of friendship.” Divorce at this stage of life takes different emotional tolls””and resources for you may not be as readily apparent. It’s wise to find a confidant””a therapist, support group, or other relationship””to help you through the emotional upheaval.


Divorce is different in the Golden Years. Impending retirements, medical needs and benefits, substantially larger assets, and emotional challenges less “researched” by experts in the field all bring a unique set of challenges. Financial planners, therapists, accountants, and a good attorney can be invaluable to you as you navigate the additional complexities of an already trying time in what you might have envisioned were the “Golden Years.”

When Divorce Means Selling Your House

Every once in a while, I hear someone comment that the Denver housing market isn’t suffering as much as other states.

That may very well be, but with single-family home sales dropping an average of 19.6% since last year and median home sales prices down 3.4%, I have also seen how hard it can be for divorcing couples to sell their home for their asking amount.

For that matter, it can be hard for Denver couples to sell their home in a timely manner at all.

Selling a house can take a long time””sometimes months or even more than a year. As of May 2011, the average length of time that a single-family home stayed on the market before being sold was about three and a half months””a month and a half longer than this time last year. That number may also rise depending on the price of your house. The more expensive your home’s listing price, the longer it may take to sell. A house that you owned with your spouse can rapidly become an albatross around your neck if you are still paying mortgage on a relationship that has ended.

So what do you do if you want to move forward with your divorce sooner rather than later, but your house isn’t selling immediately?

  1. Transfer mortgage over to one person’s name ”“ If one of you can afford to pay for the mortgage, you can refinance the house into that person’s name. Pro: Reduces some urgency, giving you more time to sell the house. Con: Requires legal and financial paperwork as well as negotiation for a fair and equitable buy-out.
  2. Joint mortgage responsibility ”“ During the process of your divorce, you can determine a fair division of the mortgage so that both parties remain responsible for the house payments. Pros: The entire mortgage payment will not fall solely onto one person. Con: Your finances and obligations will be tied to your ex until the house sells””potentially long after the divorce has been finalized.
  3. Consider short sale ”“ A short sale is essentially selling your house very quickly for less than the mortgage amount. It requires an agreement with your lender and is frequently easier to accomplish if the couple has good credit. Pro: Enables you to break ties with your (soon-to-be-former) spouse in a quick manner, without defaulting on your loan. Con: House will sell faster, but neither of you will make money from the sale. Research has also proven that short sales may be just as damaging to your credit as a foreclosure. Consider this option carefully.


I know that a house””or any jointly owned land or property””can be one of the biggest challenges in any divorce, outside of children. While Colorado’s housing market has fared better than some, it is still slow, and selling your house can be both an expensive and drawn-out process.

While it may seem overwhelming or painful to deal with right now””as you are eager to start the next phase of your life””the decisions you make regarding your joint property now will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Each individual and couple has different needs and obstacles to face when selling your house, so there isn’t necessarily a right or wrong path to choose. Hopefully the information I have provided has left you with the comfort that it’s not hopeless, and there are options available to you.

Moving On: Relocating in the Middle of a Divorce

In today’s economy, many families facing divorce also face another potential source of upheaval: the need to relocate due to employment, economic circumstances, and family support. If either one of you may need to relocate for your job, to move closer to family, or to decrease expenses post-divorce, anticipating this possibility at the outset of divorce proceedings is essential.

It’s also important to understand relocating doesn’t necessarily mean moving out of state. It could be that you will need to move from Denver to Colorado Springs. Regardless of how far you or your spouse may end up moving, addressing the potential””especially if your divorce involves children””will save stress, money, and heartache in the long run.

Rules for Relocating

Relocation is an issue the Colorado courts have reviewed numerous times. In 2005, the Colorado Supreme Court issued two rulings that dealt with relocating parents who share children.

In one ruling, the Court distinguished between relocation of a parent during the initial divorce and relocation of a parent after parenting time has been established. The Court determined that in an initial custody proceeding, it would be easier for a parent to move, and the parties would have to address change during their initial parenting plan.

But after initial parenting time is established, the Court determined that more stringent standards for relocation should apply because the parties and children would already be accustomed to a parenting time schedule, and the children would have established a different relationship with the majority time parent that did not exist at the time of the initial proceeding.

In a case involving modification to an existing custody agreement, the Court found that three competing interests must be considered: the majority time parent’s right to travel; the minority time parent’s right to parent; and the children’s best interests.

The Supreme Court ruling mandated that 21 factors be considered to determine if relocation is in the children’s best interests. The factors include the reasons for the relocation, educational opportunities in each location, and the past involvement of each of the parties with the children.

Children’s Best Interest

During a parenting time procedure modification, both parties are required to actively present information and facts demonstrating how the children’s best interests will be served by relocating or by remaining in place. Even if you are not the moving party, you will still have to present evidence of what parenting plan or parenting arrangement will best serve the children and why.

Moving to a Different City

As we mentioned earlier, relocation does not necessarily mean you are moving from Colorado to another state. You are relocating whenever you move your children “to a residence that substantially changes the geographical ties between the child and the other party.” A move from Denver to Durango or Denver to Colorado Springs would certainly change those ties, but what about a move from Englewood to Erie? Many courts would say this is also a substantial change.

Relocation is a complex issue and comes with a myriad of emotional and social implications for you and your children. Consult an attorney for guidance during this challenging time, as modification of existing agreements is often as much of an emotional minefield as the initial proceedings were.

Relocation of any kind may require written permission from the other parent and/or negotiation with the other parent and their attorney. It will also require a revised modification agreement to be filed with the court, which can bring you back into the complex world of filing deadlines, due dates, and requirements that can wreak havoc with the delicate balance you’ve forged post-divorce.


Anticipating the potential need for relocation during your divorce process””describing how it will be handled, what will be considered, and what criteria and steps will need to be taken””specifically in your divorce documents will help decrease costly and stressful post-divorce modifications if the situation arises in the future.

The reality is that sometimes relocation happens””and it’s happening more and more as people have to go elsewhere for work. Whether it’s moving closer to an ailing family member or accepting a job in another state, life brings changes, and your children’s welfare should be your top priority at all times. Think about how you want to handle relocation ahead of time, so you’re not scrambling for a solution late in the game when emotions are running high.

Protecting Your Assets During Divorce: What Every Coloradoan Needs to Know

During your marriage, you were collaboratively building your nest egg for the future. But in a divorce, what happens to your retirement funds, your home, and your debts?

Dividing assets is one of the primary stressors in any divorce. If you’re beginning the divorce process, what do you need to know to protect yourself and secure an equitable share of assets?

Below, we’ve answered four of the most commonly asked questions about property and asset division.

How is “equitable” division of property decided?

In Colorado, “marital property” must be divided equitably, but that doesn’t always mean your assets will be divided equally. Generally, marital property is any property that is acquired during the marriage, unless the property is acquired by gift or inheritance.

The division of marital property is generally a two-step process. First, it must be determined what constitutes marital property. Once that’s defined and valued, that marital property must be divided equitably. To determine what is equitable, the Court will look at all relevant factors including:

  • Contributions of each spouse to that joint property;
  • Economic circumstances of each spouse;
  • Value of property set apart to each spouse; and
  • Any increase, decrease, or depletion in the value of any separate property during the marriage.

Your lawyer and an accountant can help you answer some of these questions proactively during your divorce proceedings, providing comprehensive checklists and worksheets to evaluate asset values and contributions based on economic circumstances and direct inputs.

What happens to my 401K or employer-sponsored retirement funds?

If you and your spouse have employer sponsored retirement accounts such as a 401K or SEP, these assets may be considered marital property, and your spouse may be entitled to a portion of those retirement funds.

The division of an employer-sponsored retirement account is complicated because of rules and requirements placed on employers for management of those funds. To divide assets in an employer-sponsored retirement fund, a Qualified Domestic Relations Order is usually required by the company to effectuate a transfer of those funds, in part to avoid adverse tax consequences.

Your 401K distribution through the divorce process is not subject to your 401K provider’s early withdrawal fee, if the withdrawal is managed and documented correctly. To avoid problems down the road, make sure that the documents required by your company for division of these assets are approved by the company before they are entered as Court Orders.

What happens to our house?

If you and your spouse own a home together, your house is considered marital property and its value””the proceeds secured from selling it””are divided. But remember, so is the debt associated with the home. Particularly in today’s housing market where sales are sluggish and values are dropping, your house as property””and its ultimate division””will be subject to a variety of factors, including joint mortgage ownership, difficulty in selling, one party not wanting to sell, the presence of children, and conflict over what should be done with the house during and after the divorce.

How are debts split?

Like your assets, debts incurred during the marriage are considered marital property. The first step you should take is to find out exactly what your debts are. You may know exactly how much you owe in debt, but if there is any possibility your spouse has spent money you are unaware of, your first course of action should be to get a credit report. This will identify any and all debt taken out in your name.

Once you are aware of what debt you carry under your name, the next step is to stop taking out additional debt. Discuss with your spouse the best course of action for stopping any spending on these accounts. As mentioned above, debts incurred during the marriage are marital property, and as such, will be split equitably. Who ultimately becomes responsible for which debt will be considered when the court decides an equitable allocation of your assets.


The division of marital property can be complex””particularly if you have a house, retirement funds, or debt. Speaking with a lawyer can help you secure a fair division of assets and liabilities. In some cases, you may also want to consult with additional experts””including accountants and financial advisors who specialize in divorce issues””to properly advise on issues related to your joint assets.

Why Facebook Might Not Be Your Friend During Divorce

Lawyers are reporting more and more cases in which an angry spouse went to Facebook and made negative comments about their soon-to-be ex”¦only to have those Facebook postings “among friends” come back to haunt them in their divorce proceeding.

Going through a divorce is an emotional, stressful time. During these times, it’s natural to turn to your virtual support group for help. But if you are in the process of divorcing, think twice before venting on Facebook.

According to a recent survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), Facebook is a primary source for online evidence in 66% of divorces today. What people say on their walls and in comments is public and it can be used in divorce proceedings. And there is even more reason to beware of Facebook. Even what other people post about you is public knowledge! For example, if you are tagged in a photo, you are now visible in that photo to not only your friends but your friends’ friends, and possibly the entire public, depending on your friends’ privacy settings. So it’s “poster beware” when it comes to Facebook for anyone contemplating or engaged in divorce proceedings.

So what are some common Facebook mistakes people make during their divorce process?

  • Trashing Your Ex: Be on the safe side and curtail your Facebook activity during any divorce or custody proceedings. We all need a support group, but for now, a smaller, less virtual one is probably safer.
  • Posting (or Posing for) Damning Photos: Avoid posting things yourself that could put you in an unfavorable light, and ask your friends to refrain from posting any images that contain your photo.
  • Lying: Because Facebook posts are admissible in divorce proceedings, you may get caught in any lie you tell; for example, misrepresenting your financial situation and then posting about new purchases and expensive hobbies.

Another recent survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that 81% of their attorneys are seeing a rise in social media being used in divorce cases .

The average Facebook user has 130 friends. And those friends have an average of 130 friends. And so on and so on. Each of your friends has varying levels of privacy settings. Some of your friends may be completely private, but some may be visible to anyone and everyone. If just one of your friends posts on his or her wall and one of their friends shares that on his or her wall, your private life could be reaching a wider audience than you ever imagined.

If you post something on Facebook that touches any of your divorce negotiations, be prepared to answer to it in court. Or even better””find a good friend to talk to in person about your divorce and leave Facebook alone until your case is closed.

Common Mistakes in DIY Divorces: Part II

In our previous posts in this series, we discussed the reasons why you may or may not want to hire an attorney, as well as the potential procedural and deadline mistakes commonly made when conducting a DIY divorce and the importance of understanding exactly what you are signing your name on.

Continuing in our attempt to clarify this often-confusing topic, we will now cover the next three common mistakes made and how those mistakes could affect your decision about whether a DIY divorce is the right option for you.

In our experience helping people recover from mistakes made during the DIY process, here are three additional common mistakes that we see:

Too-Vague Separation Agreements

As part of every DIY divorce, the couple is required to file a separation agreement that details each part of your settlement. Templates for separation agreements are available online and seem straightforward and simple.

However, legal processes are rarely simple. The biggest challenge that most couples face is including the appropriate level of detail to this document. Earlier we discussed the importance of understanding everything you sign, and this is no exception. If you sign this document, it is legal, no matter what it says.

So what happens if you don’t adequately describe what happens if you can’t sell your house immediately and end up paying more in joint mortgage than anticipated? What happens if one or the other of you loses a job and can no longer make the agreed-upon payments on joint debt? What happens if your spouse won’t follow the agreement?

Be specific. Make sure to address not just today but the future, and ask for what you want in detail. Don’t make any assumptions or think you should wait to speak with your spouse or mention something at the hearing. Get it in writing as early as possible.

Make sure that you set forth how you are going to deal with the unexpected. For example, what will you do if one or the other of you promises to do something during the process and then doesn’t deliver? Remember, you have to be able to enforce the agreement in the future if that is necessary.

Representing Yourself in Court

Representing yourself in a divorce hearing is nothing like what you see on Law and Order. It is also much more complicated than just dressing nice and talking respectfully.

Divorce is a topic that is inherently emotional and stressful, and representing yourself in front of a judge is never going to be straightforward and easy. Even in an uncontested divorce there will often be topics that are sensitive to one or the other of you. Representing yourself professionally and to the best of your ability will always be a challenge when you’re emotionally involved.

Know that even though you are emotionally invested in the hearing’s outcome, your judge will not cut you slack because you’re not an attorney. You will be expected to understand the laws and how they pertain to you, just as any attorney would. The learning curve for representing someone in court (let alone yourself) is high, and you need to do it right the first time.

Inadequate Parenting Plans

If your divorce involves children, the DIY process immediately becomes more complicated, and you may want to reconsider hiring an attorney. If you do move forward with the DIY divorce, keep in mind that the courts paramount concern is the best interests of your child or children.

In Colorado, all divorces that involve children require both a parenting plan and a child support worksheet. Understand what these are and make sure you complete them in full detail. As with the separation agreements mentioned above, parenting plan templates are available online, however, they are vague and don’t include detail. They’re intended to apply to everyone, but each couple’s situation is different.

A word to the wise: make the form fit your needs and view the form as a guideline for all the issues that must be addressed to satisfy the Court. That doesn’t mean that you and your spouse can’t add additional items or agreements that are pertinent to your children and your situation.

As with the separation agreements, don’t just plan for settlement today. Think about the future, and provide details. What happens if one parent has to relocate? What if someone loses their job? What happens if your schedule changes and you can’t meet the agreed-upon custody schedule? What will you do for holidays? How do you define a holiday? Do birthdays count? How about vacations? And for most divorced parents””biggest of all””how will you enforce it?


Deciding whether a DIY divorce is the right path for you depends entirely on your situation and how many complications are involved. It may be an ideal path for some, but in other cases, it may be too risky. Talk to a divorce attorney ahead of time. Learn what is involved and how you can proceed in a way that best suits you and your needs.