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Does Iggy Azalea Have a Common-Law Husband?

Texas rapper Maurice Williams, also known as Hefe Wine, is seeking a divorce from Australian breakout rapper Iggy Azalea of “Fancy” fame after claiming that the two were common-law married. If the courts agree, Williams seeks to gain control of a large percentage of Azalea’s earnings from her recent success.

What Is Common-Law Marriage?

In Colorado, a common-law marriage is valid for all the same purposes as a ceremonial marriage. The term “common-law” marriage describes a marriage that is not in compliance with statutory requirements most state laws deem necessary for ceremonial marriage.

In order for a couple to be common-law married, they must fit the criteria listed below:

  • Both parties are free to contract a valid ceremonial marriage (they are not already married to other people, for example)
  • Both parties must hold themselves out to others as husband and wife
  • Both parties must consent to the marriage
  • The couple must live together
  • The couple must have a reputation in the community as being married

No time requirement exists for the state to consider a couple common-law married, as long as they meet the above requirements. In Azalea’s case, she claims that would-be husband Williams was already married at the time of his alleged common-law marriage. She also says that she did not consent to be common-law married, despite Williams’ assertion that the two held themselves out as husband and wife during their time together. Only time will tell for this “Black Widow.”

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Did You Know?: Common-law marriage exists in various forms in only 15 states and the District of Columbia.