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Results 13 - 20 of 20 for same-sex marriage

The Divorce Process, Part 1: Grounds For Divorce

Do Colorado couples have to prove anything to get a divorce? There are two lines of thinking in the United States when it comes to divorce. All 50 states allow for “no-fault” divorce, which is divorce where neither party has to prove anything beyond that the marriage is irreparably broken. There are 32 states that […]

Do More People Divorce During The Holiday Season?

Summer is over, the kids are back in school and, though it might not hit you until after Labor Day, we’re rapidly approaching the holiday season. As we enter into autumn, we thought we’d blog about a study recently conducted by the University of Washington that discovered August is one of the months in which […]

Contempt Is The #1 Predictor Of Divorce ”“ And You’re Probably Showing It In These Ways

The number one predictor of divorce, according to researcher John Gottman, is not money problems or infidelity. It’s contempt for your spouse, or, to be more clear, it is contemptuous behavior toward your spouse. Even if you truly love your spouse and hold no contempt for him or her, you are probably guilty of some […]

How Do I Know if Mediation Is Right For Me?

What do you think of when you think of divorce? An acrimonious split, a vicious fight ”“ an upheaval of your life ”“ but what if there was another way? There is ”“ mediation. Mediation is similar to divorce in that it is a way to dissolve a marriage, but mediation has some benefits that […]

50 Shades of Gray Divorce

The longer a couple has been together, generally, the more complicated the divorce is going to be. Young divorcing couples don’t usually have to deal with things like wills or estate planning; however, when a couple amasses a large number of assets, potentially including stock portfolios, businesses and real estate, finding an equitable split in […]

Are Future Stock Options Divisible in Divorce?

Determining what is considered marital property that is divisible in divorce can be confusing without the help of an attorney. One asset that is frequently overlooked by people considering divorce are employee stock options. Some companies will give employees stock options as part of a benefits package. Most employee stock options are non-transferable, but they […]

I Want a Divorce ”“ But How Do I Tell My Spouse?

You try and try, but the words just can’t come out. It’s hard to say those four awful words: “I want a divorce.” Even if you want one so bad that it hurts, it can still be difficult to tell your spouse that it’s over. The words must come out, though ”“ so here’s how […]

Why You Should Consider a Prenup

Prenuptial agreements are, quite possibly, the most misunderstood of family law issues. Some think of them as something only for the rich and famous with famously large assets to protect. Others believe a prenuptial agreement highlights trust issues and signals the demise of a relationship before it is even been legally cemented. In reality, prenuptial […]