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Coping With Divorce Through the Holidays

For most people, the holidays evoke thoughts of family togetherness. This can be hard if you’re experiencing your first holiday season since a divorce. You won’t have a partner in the home, and the children may be spending time with the other parent. This means you might be spending a day like Christmas alone.

This can seem depressing, but it doesn’t have to be that way. After a divorce, you no longer have to follow previous family traditions. Feel free to be flexible and create your own. Focus on happiness and love this holiday season and you’ll look forward to the holidays every year.

Be Patient

Things may not go as planned during your first holiday as a single parent. Emotions may be still running high. You may be fighting over custody with the other parent. Don’t get overwhelmed. Get rid of the pressure involved with the holidays and go easy on yourself. Trust that things will get better as time goes on.

Be Flexible

Don’t feel like you need to be set in your ways. For example, Christmas doesn’t have to occur on December 25. If the other parent insists on having the kids for both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, it’s not the end of the world. You can celebrate with the kids before or after. As an added bonus, your kids will get two Christmases, which might seem fun.

This means you’ll need to be flexible with your plans as well. In the past, Christmas may have revolved around the kids, so spend this Christmas doing something for yourself. Go visit friends. Go see a movie. Sart new traditions by doing something that makes you happy.

Be Cooperative

Be amicable toward the other parent for the sake of your children. Fighting during the holidays only adds more stress to the situation. Push your negative feelings aside and make the holidays a wonderful time of year for the kids. Find a way to compromise and work things out without the bitterness.

Don’t Feel Isolated

Many people want to help loved ones during the holidays, so you’ll likely get invitations to spend holidays with friends, neighbors and loved ones. Take advantage of the opportunity to get out of the house and spend time with others. It will keep you busy and get your mind off the divorce and your emotions.

Help Others

Volunteering at your church or in your community or simply helping a neighbor in need will help you recognize that there are people who are less fortunate than you. Reach out and see how you can help others this holiday season. Your recipient will be grateful to you, and you’ll feel better about yourself as well. It’s a win-win situation!

An Attorney Can Help with Holidays and Divorce

The holidays can seem lonely and depressing after a divorce. With the right attitude, you can make this holiday season a positive and memorable one. By being proactive and adjusting to the changes, you can enjoy time with friends, family members are even yourself. Contact the Aurora divorce attorneys at Divorce Matters for more help with surviving the holidays. Request a consultation today by contacting Divorce Matters online or by calling (720) 463-1232.

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