What If My Child Does Not Want to Visit My Ex?

In the process of a divorce, the court will dictate a parenting plan. This plan outlines who can make decisions for your children, how often they visit which parent and when, and what each parent is responsible for. While this is helpful in most situations, when your child does not want to see your ex, it can be heartbreaking to follow your court mandated parenting plan. So what happens if your child does not want to visit your ex?

According to Colorado law, you do not have to force your child to visit your ex, if they do not want to. The only thing required of you by the courts is to promote your child engaging in the agreed upon parenting schedule. All this means is that you have to encourage your child to engage with their other parent. Additionally, you need to be able to truthfully tell a judge that you have promoted your child engaging in their time with their other parent. As long as you are able to do that, you do not have to force your child to do anything they do not want to do. To learn more about this, watch last week’s Ask an Attorney with David Kalisek. To schedule a consultation with David, or any of our other amazing attorneys, visit our website.