5 Ways Dads Can Teach Kids to be Grateful

There are a number of ways to help you children appreciate what they have around them. In a world of text messaging, social media, and celebrity glorification, teach your children that strong character is one of the most important traits to possess.

1. Take kids to volunteer
Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while teaching your children about compassion and helping others who are less fortunate. There are a large number of organizations that you can work with, choose one that will be a good fit for your family.

2. Give them a sense of community
Community means working together to accomplish group goals. Having your children work around the home for a common goal is a great way to help foster a team mentality. Mowing the yard, vacuuming, dusting, doing laundry, etc. are all great ways of letting children know they can be productive around the home. You can use this to teach them small lessons disguised as chores. Taking care of the home will also help build strong long-term habits for later in life, when your kids have their own families.

3. Teach them the difference between doing a job and doing a job well
One lesson that takes most adolescents a long time to learn is that doing and job and doing a job well are very different things. Teach them that doing the job, to the best of your ability the first time, will save them time in the long run and give them a sense of accomplishment. Doing a mediocre job will, more than likely, cause you to revisit the project and re-do some part of the work you already spent time on. Save yourself the extra work and frustration by doing your best, the first time.

4. Teach them that defeat is a mindset
There’s a saying that goes something like: “Defeat is a state of mind. No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.” This can have a profound impact on the life of anyone who truly believes the saying. Being defeated is a temporary state of mind that isn’t a final destination. Give them the courage and support to get back up, every time they fall.

5. Say what you mean, mean what you say
This is a topic that could benefit anyone on the planet. Show young ones that doing what you said you will do, when you said you will do it, can get you a long way. Too often people give their word and make promises that go unfulfilled. Make sure that you lead by example and follow through with the actions you have committed to. Making this a habit early in life will help form a young adult with character.

Make sure that you children know that you value them. Even if parental relationships are strained, your children will know that your feelings for them will not change. If the time comes where parents separate, you can be confident that you’ve passed along positive habits that will help foster honest, long-term relationships.