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Virtual Visitation for Long-Distance Parenting

When two people divorce and one of them relocates far away from the other, visitation with children can be difficult. You might have to decide between only seeing the child a few times per year or uprooting your own life to be closer to them. Fortunately, you can see your children ”“ albeit virtually ”“ utilizing modern technology.

Apps like Facetime and Skype make it simple for long-distance parents to speak with their children. While not a full replacement for personal interaction, video chat programs can be a lot more engaging than a simple phone call. Your kids can show you the artwork they made in kindergarten class, you can help them with their homework or even watch a movie with them, all from the comfort of your computer screen.

Many parents do not have the time or money to travel long distances frequently, but virtual visitation is a cost-effective method of staying in touch with your children while increasing interaction and parenting time.

Virtual Visitation Laws in Colorado

More than 15 states have formal legislation allowing the courts to grant virtual visitation time to non-custodial parents. Colorado is not currently one of those states. However, this method of handling child custody situations is often granted in cases where the judge declares that virtual visitation is in the child’s best interests. Sometimes, the judge will even set specific schedules for online sessions. Perhaps soon, formal legislation will be passed, but for now, you should speak with a family law attorney if you think that virtual visitation is a good fit for your family.

Divorce Matters ”“ Denver Family Law Attorneys

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